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                                          Unit Manager's Training Seminar (UMTS)

Opening Evening
Welcome and Introductions
This opening session will allow for instructor’s and participant’s introductions. Seminar mechanics, procedures, and objectives will be presented.
Manager’s Job vs. Agent’s Job
Important and most frequently performed management tasks will be identified and discussed. A "management"
definition will emerge along with the concepts of current cost and capital investment. A distinction between the key elements of anagent’s vs. manager’s job will be addressed. Management job activities and critical manager

knowledge, skill, and ability dimensions will be discussed.Drafting an Agent’s Job Description
Participants will define the specific duties and expected responsibilities of agents in their units.

Day One
Stages of Group Development
The concept of Stages of Group Development will be introduced as a tool to assist the table teams in their activities for
the program.
Marketplace Identification
In this session participants will be exposed to the "organizing" function of management. Development of a functionalagent job description helps the manager solidify job activities/results for the agent.

Proper agent behaviors and standards will be identified by the manager. Once job description behaviors and standards are identified, the participant will consider the "recruitingto and from markets" concepts.

Market Penetration- Case Study
This session will apply the concepts of the previous session to each individual’s situation. The SWOT ( strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats ) technique of problem identification will be used. Participants will work in table teams discussing their individual situation while gearing themselves to identifying markets presently being served, listing potential markets for their units, describing at least one of those markets, and setting objectives for it.

Survival Simulation
Working individually and in groups, participants will be involved in a simulated survival situation. They will be exposed to various stages of group development and will discuss how to move groups through the stages more quickly for positive results.

Problem-Solving and Performance Analysis
Participants will be able to identify/describe a problem-solving process and successfully use it in their units. Setting objectives and criteria for good objectives will be considered. A problem-solving process will be discussed and related to people problems. Participants will be exposed to a process for identifying the reasons for a performance discrepancy - i.e., lack of skill or sufficient motivation.

Seven Step Coaching Model Introduced
Curbside coaching of agents and the Seven Step Coaching Model will be presented as a field development and
supervision tool.
Day Two
Ideas I Will Use
The day will begin with participants sharing the most valuable concepts from day one.

Setting Unit Activity Standards
The group will be introduced to unit standard setting and holding individuals accountable to the established standards. Table teams will establish activity expectations that they will then transfer to their individual situation for postcourse application.

Seven Step Coaching Model – As an Activity Monitoring Tool
The Seven Step Coaching Model is revisited as an activity supervision tool. In addition, participants will observe a
technique for dealing with nonperformers. Recruiting to Activity Standards and Recruiting Skill Development
This session will focus on the recruiting phase of the "staffing" function. Participants discuss reasons for continuous and effective recruiting, identify recruiting sources, characterize their "ideal candidate," talk about the management team’s role in recruiting, the name gathering process, and identify key areas in which to look for candidates. This session will focus on the recruiting process, controllable vs. noncontrollable recruiting sources, nominator and direct contact recruiting, as well as first contact with recruits.

Interviewing Techniques
Basic recruiting and selecting interviewing principles will be stressed; types and purposes of interviews reviewed.

Interviewing Applied Discussion
Participants will be involved in a table team discussion of the recruiting and selection interviews. Implementation of good interviewing rules will be stressed. Observers will offer constructive criticism based on utilization of the interviewing rules.

The Selection Process
Participants will be asked to consider the "right kind of candidate" for their unit. Conditions and principles for proper selection will be stressed and a complete selection and new agent contracting procedure will be explained.

Day Three
Ideas I Will Use
The day will begin with participants sharing the most valuable concepts from day two.

Record Keeping
The importance accurate record keeping will be discussed and a process for keeping these records will be

Time Control Workshop
Brainstorming of key "time robbers" and potential solutions to them will be identified. Managers will be encouraged to
institute a time control system.
"Taking it on Home"
The school will close by showing how to maximize the content of the program. Original objectives of the seminar will berevisited and postschool projects will be identified. Closing remarks will stress application of the processes/methods/toolsdeveloped at the school.